IWK Hospital Emergency Expansion

Premier McNeil makes an announcement

Families with children will have better access to emergency room services when the project announced by Premier Stephen McNeil is completed.


Premier McNeil makes an announcement
Premier McNeil makes an announcement on expanding the Emergency dept. at the IWK

Budget investments in safe and connected communities

Did you know the 2018 Provincial Budget includes the following provisions?

Budget investments in safe and connected communities include:

$16.2 million increase in Disability Support program to help more people move out of institutions, to improve respite care, and to fund more complex client cases
$2.1 million to help create eight small options homes and two community options homes
$3 million to double poverty reduction credit to $500
$4 million for initiatives under the Blueprint to End Poverty as part of a four-year, $20-million commitment
$3.4 million to fully exempt child-support payments from income assistance calculations
$2 million to help prevent domestic violence, the first year of a four-year commitment
$12.4 million more to improve public housing buildings
$3 million to offer 400 more rent supplements to low income Nova Scotians
$60 million more for a total of $285 million in capital spending on highways, bridges, and roads, which includes $10 million more to improve gravel roads for total of $20 million
Work on three significant twinning projects and four new interchanges on 100-series highways as part of a multi-year plan
$2.4 million more to expand and support community transportation under SHIFT for older Nova Scotians

Important News for Community Organizations


Service Nova Scotia Minister Geoff MacLellan announced changes that will allow non-profit and charitable groups to reduce the red tape involved in fundraising for prizes up to $4,000.

This is of even greater importance in Dartmouth North where the work of so many important groups in our community can be supported by fundraising by dedicated volunteers.

To read the announcement and download more details go to https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20180411001