October 9 Anniversary Event

We will be holding an event for Liberal Members in Dartmouth North on October the 9th – Check the events page for details.

Also please consider supporting the Dartmouth North Liberal Association by contributing monthly through the Liberal First Fund.

The Liberal First Fund is our pre-authorized monthly giving program. With a minimum gift of $15/month, you can ensure that we have the competitive edge we need by simultaneously strengthening our constituencies, sustaining our party and building our campaign reserve. Please join us! Together we can ensure that our party remains strong, vibrant and well-funded.
The Liberal First Fund: Our key to success

  • Your donation of $15 (or more) is split three ways between your constituency, the Nova Scotia Liberal Party and the election reserve
  • You can choose to donate more to your constituency association
  • Your real cost (after tax credits) is as low as $3.75/month
  • You enjoy easy, hassle-free monthly giving
  • Your party membership is automatically renewed
  • You build a stable foundation for a successful local and provincial campaign
  • You help support a better future for Nova Scotia

Sign up today!

Call us at (902) 429-1993 for more information.